| 1. | The spring festival is the lunar new year . 春节即农历新年。
| 2. | Tramcars ran throughout the night on new year 's eve . 有轨电车除夕通宵行驶。
| 3. | The whole city will celebrate the new year with fireworks . 今年过年,全城都将放焰火。
| 4. | The time draws near new year . 时节将近新年。
| 5. | Welcome in the new year . 欢欢喜喜迎来新年。
| 6. | A weasel giving new year 's greetings to a hen has ulterior motives . 黄鼠狼给鸡拜年,没安好心。
| 7. | As soon as he came in the two women wished him a happy new year . 他进了屋,两位妇女立刻给他拜年。
| 8. | We are determined to get the work done before new year 's day . 我们定下决心,要在元旦前完成这项工作。
| 9. | Early in the new year an american technical team descended on beijing . 新年伊始,一个美国技术小组飞抵北京。
| 10. | By the new year i cannot fail of having money enough to purchase a new gown . 到了新年,我就不愁没有足够的钱来买一件新晚装了。